Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?
Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? It depends on who you believe: botanists or the Supreme Court. Here’s the story.
Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? It depends on who you believe: botanists or the Supreme Court. Here’s the story.
Is it really possible to cultivate your own sweet, juicy, tropical fruit without a trip to the islands. Here’s how to grow your own pineapple!
If you have sesame seeds, what will they actually grow into? Put simply: What is a sesame plant like?
You may have heard that mistletoe can kill people – and pets. But is this little plant actually poisonous, or is that mostly hype? You may be surprised by what it can do.
An itchy, painful rash from poison oak is no fun at all – and just because you never had a problem before doesn’t mean you won’t have a reaction. Find out more here!
If you want to know the right kind of grass for a backyard lawn in your region, we have some tips so you can live on the side where the grass is greener.
Are eucalyptus trees a major contributor to wildfires and forest fires because they’re more flammable than lots of other trees – and can even explode?
Is there some trick to choosing a ripe, sweet, really good watermelon? Here are some things to look for to get the most delicious fruit.
It’s so pretty and common, in fact, that many people don’t realize that the whole oleander plant can be dangerous.