How do you pick a really good watermelon?
Is there some trick to choosing a ripe, sweet, really good watermelon? Here are some things to look for to get the most delicious fruit.
Is there some trick to choosing a ripe, sweet, really good watermelon? Here are some things to look for to get the most delicious fruit.
You may have heard that bananas are radioactive. Is it true, or just a myth? Find out the burning truth here.
You’re feeling pretty lousy. You’ve got sniffles, sneezing, and a sore throat. Is it a cold, flu, or allergies? Here’s a chart that can help you tell.
Does SOS really stand for “Save Our Ship?” If not, what does the “send help” abbreviation SOS really stand for??
What are the most common things to be allergic to – and how can you find out what triggers you? Find some tips here.
What happens when you de-claw a cat or kitten? How simple of a procedure is this? Does it hurt them? Sink your claws into this Couch looking a little beat up from your new cat? Finding little bits of toilet paper all over the house? If you think declawing the cat is a simple, harmless…
What causes a bruise to form, and then why does it always change so many different colors?
How do airport and concert venue metal detectors work? Somehow, a seemingly plain rectangular doorway can figure out if I left my keys in my pocket.
Nutella looks for all the world like chocolate in a jar. It’s not just chocolate in a jar, is it? Find out about this hazelnut spread here.
Here are a few tips for choosing a great pineapple – to use as garnish for a tropical cocktail, in a fresh pineapple upside-down cake, or just for eating.
When was beer invented? And who came up with this idea? Because millions of people would probably want to raise a glass in his honor.
Is there an easy way to find out your blood type? Yes – not only easy ways, but free ways, too! Find out more here.
If you just discovered that there’s a puddle under your vehicle, you may wonder: What kind of fluid is your car leaking? Here are some ways to find out.
How is the sawing a person in half magic trick done? I’ve seen it performed live, but can’t figure out how they pull the illusion off.
April Fool’s day is generally celebrated in many countries across the world on April 1st of each year. But when did the holiday start?
Is there an easy way to find race car tracks when traveling, or just all the ones near me? Here’s where you can find out where to get your motorsports fix.
I was actually watching movie credits the other day instead of just zoning out, and I saw a line for key grip. What is a key grip, and what do they do?
What are the dates for Mardi Gras over the next few years? Is there an easy way to calculate the date?
How can you figure out if a parakeet is male or female? You can’t really tell the sex in the obvious mammalian way, so how can you tell?
What’s the deal with cats spraying – are they just peeing or is this something else? More importantly, how can you get your male cat to stop spraying?